Avalon Offshore Basic V1.0, an evaluation version of Avalon Offshore

Faced with the difficulties encountered by some users in using Google’s free trial codes and the bugs encountered with those from Apple, we have decided to launch an evaluation version (free of course): Avalon Offshore Basic.

The objective of this application is to give sailors the opportunity to try Avalon Offshore before purchasing it. and thus ensure that the ergonomics and possibilities offered by Avalon suit them.

This version contains the vast majority of Avalon Offshore features but is “restricted” to a single weather source: NOAA GFS 0.25 over 24 hours. Thanks to the extension of the winds, it is however possible to test routing on a transatlantic liner and to see the effectiveness of the Avalon routing engine. Of course, this routing will have no real meaning, given too much wind extension.

Below is an Offshore vs Basic comparizon:

Weather RoutingYesYesLimited by the weather model
Bathymetric routingYesYesFrance, USA, Carribean, South of England
Easy routing (harbor to harbor)YesYes
Advanced routingYesYesWeather Routing advanced user
Automatic waypoints positioningYesYes
VPP (standard)YesYes
Private VPPNoYes
Customized VPPYesYes
VPP acquisition at seaYesYes
Best start calculationNoYes
ETA based calculationNoYes
Racing Option and multi scenariiNoYes
Premium weatherNoYes85 wind, weather, current and wave models
Free weather modelNOAA GFS 24 hoursNOAA GFS 3 weeks
Wind grib importNoYes
Meteograms and weather analysesYesYes
NMEA 0183 supportYesYes
AIS AlarmYesYes
Augmented Reality glassesYesYes
Navionics® supportNoYes
SHOM® pack puchasesNoYes (Sores and Avalon e-Shop)
Public maps (USA, NZ, etc…)YesYes
mbtiles importNoYes
Display beacons and lighthouses FR (SHOM®)YesYes
Display tides (worldwide)NoYes
Anchoring alarmNoYes
Avalon CloudYesYesData transfer when upgrading to Offshore


6 thoughts on “Avalon Offshore Basic V1.0, an evaluation version of Avalon Offshore”

  1. Hi there,
    i’m just exploring Avalon polar for my boat. You are mentioning there is Avalon Offshore BASIC version available but looking in the Google Play store it does not appear as an option – only the “standard” version for 69,99€ is what i can select from the store.

    Is the Basic version still available?
    Thanks, Primoz

      1. Hi,

        I have the same question about the iPad version, it only shows the paid version in the App Store. Do you also have a link for the basic evaluation version for iPad?

        Many thanks!

  2. Dear Philippe,

    Thank you for the link but it doesn’t work for me, it shows a blank screen. Also when I search Avalon Offshore I only find the paid Offshore version in the App Store. Can it be that the Basic version is not available in the Dutch App Store?

    Many thanks for your help!


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