Avalon Offshore is compatible with any raster map: mbtile, kap, tif and geotif, From version 3.7 onwards, Avalon is also compatible with Navionics Boating Marine and Lakes charts..
If you have maps that are compatible with Avalon supported formats, you can load them in the Avalon App on your tablet.
This process can be done:
- On Apple iOS: via the file transfert function under iTunes or by sending the files to your email on the tablet.
- On Android: via Google Drive or by sending the files to your email on the tablet.
In some countries, hydrographic offices provide nautical maps publicly to sailors. Those freely available maps are preloaded in the Avalon cartography database and can be downloaded to the app on your tablet.
Those countries are:
- New Zealand (LINZ)
- Brazil (Hidrografia e Navegação)
- Argentina (Servicio de Hidrografia Naval)
For the majority of the other countries, we have signed a licence agreement with the ©UKHO (United Kingdom Hydrographic Office) and with the.©SHOM (French Navy Hydrographic Office)
Under those licence agreements, Avalon provide with marine charts for the following countries:
- Great Britain`
- Ireland
- France
- Belgium
- Netherlands
- Spain
- Greece
- Croatia
- Portugal
- Cabo Verde
We can easily add South Africa when needed.
Maps can be used on several tablets or phone of the same type (iOS or Android) provided they have been purchased with the same Apple or Google Identifier.
Details of nautical maps available in Avalon Offshore are contained in the document below:
Nautical maps on Avalon Offshore
UKHO Packs
Packs sold for pemanent use with 1 year updates.
Mega Maps France
Unlimited use with 1 year of update. Every pack includes about 120 maps and insets covering French Channel, Atlantic or Mediterranean.
Those maps are free and can be used with Avalon with your active subscription to Navionics
Public (free) Maps
Pre loaded in Avalon Offshore
- New Zeland
- Brazil
- Argentina
- Pacific Islands (some)
Private Maps
Those can be loaded into Avalon. Supported raster formats are:
- tif
- geotif
- kap
- mbtiles