Tactiqs® Performance System

Avalon is very proud to confirm that the new version of Tactiqs® Performance System is now available on the AppStore.

This version adds a weather routing module, based on our powerful route calculation engine to Tactiqs advanced performance analyses tools for Sailboat Racing.

Please find below the official announcement of Tactiqs Performance Systems V5.0: 

Tactiqs® Performance System 5.0 Announcement

We are excited to announce a major update with Tactiqs® 5.0 bringing you integrated weather forecasts and routing in our iPadOS version.

We partnered with Avalon Offshore, a leading provider of weather forecast data and routing solutions. Based in France, Avalon is a well-known and trusted source for offshore racers throughout France and Europe and gaining traction in North America. Together with Tactiqs® performance data management and tactical information we can now offer you a complete integrated solution for coastal and offshore racing.
The routing functionality is built directly into the Tactiqs® iPadOS app to allow on- and offline operation, and weather data is available via Avalon’s server network in a highly size-optimized format.

The new Tactiqs® version comes with a fully functional 6 week free trial of the weather forecast and routing functionality for all our users. An annual subscription to the weather data and routing functionality will be available after the trial for US $99.95 to

  • Show area forecasts for many sources, e.g. GFS, HRRR, ECMWF, NAM, France Arpege, and others
  • Show predicted course metrics for inshore races based on your forecast of choice and the race start time
  • Calculate optimum routes for longer distances based on wind, current, waves, and weather
  • Interactive comparison of routing solutions for different forecasts
  • Re-calculate an active route from the current position and compare different forecasts against actual conditions

You can find a how-to video for the weather routing functionality on the tactiqs.io support page and on our YouTube ChannelMore information about Tactiqs® is available on the homepage at https://tactiqs.io” 

For the best navigation and planning experience in Tactiqs® we recommend using Navionics charts for world-wide coverage and up-to-date information. Just enable Navionics charts in the iOS Settings app under Tactiqs, and you will be prompted to log into your Navionics account.

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