Improved NMEA interface and display of time and distance to tack/gybe.
To help you perform in your summer races, but also for boaters wishing to optimize their navigation, we have added some important data in the navigation and also in the NMEA screen.
We now display in the naviation module the port and starboard headings when you cannot go directly to your target (course buoy, heading or other), whether upwind or downwind.
These headings also indicate the distance and time to the next tack.
Nous affichons maintenant dans le module naviation les caps babord et tribord quand vous ne pouvez aller directement vers votre cible (bouée de parcours, cap ou autre), que ce soit au prés ou au portant.
Ces caps indiquent aussi la distance et le temps au prochain virement.

The NMEA screen now displays the distance and time before the next tack (or gybe) inside the compass to complete the target speed and ideal wind angle.

It is preferable to smooth the display of information transmitted by the NMEA unit in order to stabilize the display.
To display these options, without complicating the software for novice users, you must activate the display of laylines in the navigation menu settings and also have subscribed to the Course option (more info in the user guide).
You can choose to display the North or the bow of the boat at the top… depending on your preference.
We also fixed a display issue on the standard and pro iPhone 14s.
Good sailing,
Brutalement, un matin mon avalon ne fonctionne plus.
J’ai donc supprimé l’application devenue inutile, et j’essaye de réinstaller AvalonOffshore.
Suddenly, one morning my avalon no longer works.
So I deleted the application that became useless, and I try to reinstall AvalonOffshore.
C’est bizarre mais parfois les tablettes sont instables. Il ne se lancait plus du tout ? Si il demarre, le probleme provient parfois d’une base de données corompus météo, carto, etc… Plutot que de reinstaller, il fautmieux aller dans “reset” et faire une verification du systeme. Ca evite une reinstallation.
De plus, nous recommandons fortement l’utilisation d’Avalon Cloud car ca permet de sauver et retrouver ensuite les données importantes: Polaires, POI, zones d’exclusions, routes.
PS: for our English speaking readers, it is better to post French comments on the French pages. See added translations
It’s weird but sometimes the tablets are unstable. It wouldn’t launch at all? If it starts, the problem sometimes comes from a corrupt weather database, maps, etc… Rather than reinstalling, it is better to go to “reset” and check the system. It avoids a reinstallation.
In addition, we strongly recommend the use of Avalon Cloud because it allows you to save and then find important data: Polar, POI, exclusion zones, routes.